Making your website or product look nice is a great start.
Have you thought about how to get your legion of website fans to recognise your material elsewhere? Social media, e-books, advertising, and printed material should have a style and/or brand that is consistent.
Your fans want top support you, lets help them with a logo!
Logo Services
All logos at the Adams Factory is tailored to your purpose. We will run through your needs, your ideas and encourage you to provide some samples of logos that you would like something similar to. We will provide your logos in the various formats (print and web formats, colour and B&W) you will need and include some guidelines on how best to get the most out of your Logo.
The logo design process
- Plan for the Logo (agreement on terms for the project, layouts required and deposit)
- Brainstorming and concepts (usually over the phone using Pinterest boards to track samples)
- Draft Design (email concept sheet provided)
- Refinements (usually a phone call going through the concept sheet)
- Sign-off of design (final payment and Logo provided)
Graphic complexity and numerous revisions add to the costs, both of these can be reduced with good planning and agreement in the early stages.
Cost Outline
A basic logo using licensed fonts begin at $50 (depending on the font license), our costs are based on a time and materials basis. The majority of the logo design work comes in less than $150.
Business Logo/Branding with all the complexity and formality around the process will be managed as a project billed in stages through the process. These projects are usually in the thousands.
Note: Fonts cannot be used without an appropriate usage license. All Logo projects include material costs such as appropriate licenses